Mailsent - tells you if your email was sent successfully

iOS has shortcomings in terms of confirmations for SMS/MMS messages sent using an iPhone, but also in terms of sending emails. If for SMS/MMS there are methods to activate notifications for sent messages, now we have a very simple method to find out if an e-mail has reached the recipient. Mailsent is a tweak from Cydia that, once installed, warns the user if the e-mail sent has reached the recipient without problems. The tweak has no icon, it does not appear in the settings menu, it simply works and will tell you if the message was sent successfully.

iPad only. Update coming soon. This tweak will show you a notification if your mail was sent successfully. Check out more of w00ty-Lab apps at the website link below. There are no screenshots for this item. There are no options to configure.

Unfortunately, the tweak currently only works on the iPad tablet, but soon it will be available for all iDevices. Mailsent is available for free in Cydia.


  1. @cata: I also use iphonedelivery and I can confirm that it works ok. What is the matter with mobilesubstrate because you said it like that with a kind of disappointment that it uses mobilesubstrate. Thanks