Android Gingerbred 2.3.1 available for iPhone and iPod Touch

Do you remember the iDroid project who implemented the simplest method to install Android on our terminals? If so, then I announce that the guys who are in charge of it have managed to port Android 2.3.1 Gingerbread for iPhone and iPod Touch. This first version of the application is intended only for developers because it is still in the beta testing stage, so I do not recommend you to use it. At first, the new version will be available only for iPhone 2G/3G and iPod Touch 1G, and in the near future the iDroid team will port the process to other devices as well.

The team confirms that 3 of its developers are currently working on porting Android 2.3.1 Gingerbread to iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs and iPad, but of course it is not known how long it will take until they manage to make a usable application. The new version of iDroid will be officially launched in the near future, after the developers will get feedback from those who test the application and will be able to solve the bugs present in it.

This is the iDroid Project's first release of Android Gingerbread for iDevices, built from the community source code repos at http://www.github.com/iDroid-Project

This is a preview release of Android Gingerbread (2.3.1) for Apple devices, I am busy with other projects for a few weeks and the other 3 active developers are working on porting openiboot to the iPhone 4, iPad and 3GS, so I thought I’d put a test build out for everyone to have a mess around with, please read this post fully before trying it.

You can install the new version of iDroid from here: http://www.github.com/iDroid-Project but I recommend you not to do it if you don't plan to do some restores in case it doesn't work.

This post was last modified on Jan. 27, 2011, 11:05 AM 11:05

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