Keep Text New – saves text messages as unread

Keep Text New is a new tweak available in Cydia that helps us not forget about received SMS/MMS. The developer explains the functionality of the tweak like this: suppose you are in a game and receive an SMS/MMS message, press Close, the window closes and the message is saved as read in the Messages application. After you finish playing, you probably forget about the message because in SpringBoard you no longer have the warning that tells you that you have an unread message. Keep Text New solves this problem by saving all the messages you receive as unread when you press the Close button. Using this tweak you will never forget that you have an unread message.

Keep Text New is available in Cydia for $1.25 and works on at least iOS 4.0.

Keep Text New describes itself! Save any text message you get as new.

Have you ever been intensely playing a game and a text message alert interrupts you at the worst moment, so you hit the 'close' button to get back to your game? Then you completely forget about the text you received because you hit 'close' and the text is marked as you read it and the badge on the Messages app will disappear.

With this tweak you will no longer have this problem! Keep Text New does exactly what it sounds like, keeps any text message you want as new. Its very simple: when you get a text message alert there will be 2 little KTN icons on the top left and right of the alert, you just click one of the buttons to keep your text message as new, then hit 'close' to remove the alert.

So when you go back to your springboard you will notice the little notification badge reminding you of that message so you don't forget about it.

This will work on iPhones (or other text message capable iDevices (using the Messages app only)) on iOS 4.x

Please check out the screenshots below!