Nvidia presents the first domestically produced quad-core processors


Kal-El is the code name given by Nvidia to the new quad-core platform that will be available in tablets starting in August of this year. The name is "borrowed" from the Superman movies and if you look at the video clips in this article, you will notice that Nvidia has something to brag about. In general, the new platform brings a processing power approximately 2 times higher than Nvidia Tegra 2 which has built-in dual-core processors/graphics chips. Nvidia plans to start the production of this new chip in the coming months and in the summer to have it implemented in tablets. In the clips below we have: a demonstration of how the tablet plays a video clip on its native resolution of 1366 x 768 and on a 30-inch screen with a resolution of 2560 x 1600; in the second clip we have a demonstration of the Great Battles Medieval game with 650 units on the map and you can see that Kal-El does much better than Tegra 2.

Nvidia Tegra 2 is already found in many Android smartphones and tablets, while Apple iDevices have remained with the old single-core processors with a maximum frequency of 1 Ghz. We will witness in the coming months an onslaught of Android devices with extremely powerful processors that will surpass iDevices in all synthetic tests, but it remains to be seen how many applications compatible with dual-core processors will be available in the near future.

