Video: Where was Apple inspired when it made the SmartCover case


SmartCover is a new cover designed by Apple especially for iPad 2 that is fixed on the tablet with the help of special magnets and thanks to the implementation of a proximity sensor the tablet will close/open automatically when the screen is covered by the cover. SmartCover can be rolled up and used as a stand for writing on the iPad 2 or perhaps for watching a video clip in portrait mode. In essence, it is a very interesting cover that will be available in 2 versions: one in plastic and one in leather. Of course, some claim that Apple borrowed the idea for this cover from other manufacturers, and below I present 2 theories.


The first comes from those from Engadget who claim that the SmartCover is very similar to the InCase Convertible Magazine Jacket and they are right. Basically, we are talking about the same retractable cover, about almost the same ways of use, only that Apple chose to mount some magnets on the cover instead of printing it on the back of the case and, of course, gave up on putting a strap. Probably the people from InCase were amazed when they saw the SmartCover and if they are upset, they are right because the case presented by Apple resembles theirs too well. Personally, I would go for SmartCover.

The second theory comes from TUAW and in the center it has a kind of canopies with which the Japanese cover their bathtubs. As you can see, the design is extremely similar, the retraction principle is the same, but I think the comparison between SmartCover and those canopies is a bit out of place.

I tend to believe that Apple "borrowed" the idea from InCase and "revolutionized" it.