Google Docs allows editing documents in 44 international languages

Google Docs is a service developed by Google that allows us to upload documents from our computers to the web and access them from anywhere. Once the document is uploaded to the Google servers, it can be accessed and managed from our computer, from an iDevice or from a device running the Android operating system. More than a month ago, Google launched the mobile version of Google Docs for iOS and here it is now launching a new interface translated into 44 international languages. Among these languages ​​is Romanian, so you will be able to edit your documents on Google Docs using an interface translated into Romanian.

To begin editing, visit docs.google.com in your mobile browser, and select a document to edit. Switch from view to edit mode by pressing 'Edit' to turn on the mobile editor and start typing away. As a reminder, mobile editing is available on Android (2.2+) and iOS (version 3.0+) devices. You can learn more about Google Docs for mobile on www.google.com/mobile. As always, feedback in the comments and on the forums is appreciated.

The Google Docs interface can only be accessed from a mobile browser, so only from Safari or another similar browser.

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