iPhone 4 charger explodes, injuring a 6-year-old girl

The newspaper Corriere della Sera a dedicated an article, in its daily publication, about an incident that happened the other day in the city of Turin in Italy. A person who had just purchased an iPhone 4 from an Apple Store had the unpleasant surprise of "waking up" with an exploded charger a few minutes after charging the terminal. Next to the outlet where the terminal was, there is a 6-year-old girl who suffered a minor burn following the explosion. Those from Corriere della Sera claim that an investigation will be carried out in this case to determine what the causes of the incident were and of course based on this data the family could claim damages from the Apple company.

It's not the first time we hear about incidents with Apple products that "explode", but it's the first time we hear about a charger that exploded. Until now, only iPhones/iPod Touches had problems like this, but now the accessories suffer from the same manufacturing defects. Incidents of this kind are very rare anyway, so don't worry too much.