Video: Google Instant available on iOS


Google Instant Previews is a Google service available for computers for several months that allows us to see a preview of the page we are about to access from the Google search engine. When you do a search on you will see a series of results and next to them you will see a magnifying glass, by clicking on that magnifying glass you will see a preview of the page you want to load. In that preview you can see if the respective page is what you are looking for or not. Using these previews we can avoid accessing unwanted pages, for example.

Instant Previews provides a fast and interactive way to evaluate search results. Starting today, Google Instant Previews is available on mobile for Android (2.2+) and iOS (4.0+) devices across 38 languages. Similar to the desktop version of Instant Previews, you can visually compare search results from webpage snapshots, making it easier to choose the right result faster, especially when you have an idea of ​​the content you'd like to see.

Instant Previews is very useful, I use it on my PC whenever I search for something on Google and I recommend it to you too. Instant Previews are accessible from the Safari browser when you access