iPhone used to cheat at poker game

iDevices are used for more and more things these days but 2 Chinese thought to cheat at the so-called poker games slot machines from several bars in Italy. Apparently one of the Chinese sat down at the machine and put in some money, started to play and then the other Chinese came who, using an iPhone application (and probably a special device) connected to the machines and changed their way of working so that the one playing had part only of good books. Their little "trick" worked in several places in Italy until the owner of one realized that there was something suspicious going on and called the police.

The Italian carabinieri arrested the 2 Chinese and are now investigating how they cheated the result. It is quite interesting how these terminals are used and this is probably just the beginning. This situation reminds me of the famous Nokia 1100 that were so sought after by those who used them to clone cards.