About iPad 2 jailbreak

Although last week p0sixninja said that the team would work on the jailbreak solution for the iPad 2, in reality the real work has not started even now, as they are still in the phase of decrypting the keys necessary for the jailbreak. Apparently all the progress made by them so far is due to comex which according to MuscleNerd has the only jailbreak solution for iPad 2 that works as it should. From the Chronic Dev Team we only have promises regarding a userland jailbreak solution, from comex we have nothing and the Dev Team is waiting as usual for the exploit to appear from somewhere and implement it in redsn0w.

For now, the jailbreak for iPad 2 is still far from being released, although there are less than 2 months until the WWDC event where Apple will present iOS 5 and most likely iPhone 5.