Video: iOS secretly saves user location data


After the problem with Register pictures without the users knowing, now Apple is accused of a new problem. Apparently iOS 4 logs all GPS data regarding the locations through which users travel every day. All this data is saved in a file on the iPhone that is synchronized with iTunes on our computer and that can be read by anyone very simply and easily. Basically, if you have the GPS on, your iPhone will store information about all the places you have visited recently, and unfortunately this information can be accessed by any malicious person who has access to your computer.

The file contains the latitude and longitude of the phone's recorded coordinates along with a timestamp, meaning that anyone who stole the phone or the computer could discover details about the owner's movements using a simple program.

All information was provided by the British newspaper The Guardian which cites the findings of scientists who have analyzed how the GPS service in iOS works. For ordinary people, I don't know how serious this problem is, but for important people who don't want to publish their location, there is a problem from this point of view. Theoretically, no one could access the information about the location unless they get access to the system files of your computer.

If you don't use the GPS, then you have nothing to fear, but if you use it constantly, then you can be sure that the terminal monitors your movement all the time, even if you don't want it. In the picture below we have a small demonstration of how the data of a single iPhone terminal is saved.