The jailbreak solution for iPad 2 is a matter of pride

I told you yesterday that geohot will try to find a jailbreak solution for iPad 2 and I'm sure many of you have already enjoyed it. geohot didn't make the decision because he felt "pity" for tablet owners, but because he was challenged by p0sixninja, who is unable to do it alone. The challenge was launched the other day and geohot said that he will buy an iPad 2 tablet and try to find a jailbreak solution for the iPad 2 to prove that he is the best and to save the rest of the people who have no idea how to do it.

In short, let's not have any illusions that they care about us, everything boils down to pride and money.


  1. @Flops: From saurik! Without JB they wouldn't make any money from Cydia, so it's directly interesting. On the other hand, neither saurik nor the hackers gain anything from the unlock, so it's been a year since no one tried to find a solution to unlock the last few basebands that appeared in the meantime.

  2. @zaone have you ever donated? Have you ever donated to a hacker who released a jailbreak solution? I don't, so for me what they do is free, not for money, you don't subscribe to them, you don't have to pay to be able to download, etc. @zaone remove all the banners, let there be no more ads on the site, stop making 1 leu from the site and then I'll see if content appears on your site. You have the best website in the country in terms of iOS and idevices, but sometimes you burn it all wrong.

  3. The fact that you are stingy profiteers blinds your ability to judge. There are millions of people who donate on the sites where the jailbreak appears. The donations are huge. People are generally grateful for the work of hackers and try to reward them with something. Even if the donations are small, little by little a beautiful amount is collected.

  4. I don't mind that it's about pride. he has no way of caring about me or other "suckers" who want this. I just want jailbreak 😀

  5. Yes....@NB2010 This is exactly the mentality that makes me "proud" to be (r)Romanian and to understand why everywhere we are seen as the biggest scumbags...Bravo! Keep it like this!