The iPhone 4 silent button problem will be solved soon

Along with the untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 4.3.1, the problem of the silent button that works incorrectly on iPhone 4 terminals also appeared. After the jailbreak, users noticed that the silent button vibrates regardless of how the settings are made in the Settings application, which is quite disturbing for some . Unfortunately, even the jailbreak solutions for iOS 4.3.2/4.3.3 did not solve this problem, but i0n1c says that he would have found a solution and that he will release it in the near future. I don't know how long it will take until he releases it, but when it appears you will find out here.

I for one got used to the new problem of the silent button and ended up completely ignoring the way it works.


  1. Aceasta problema nu este doar la Iphone 4 ci si la 3GS, ciudat e ca dupa update din itunes la 4.3.3 si JB cu ipsw de 4.3.2 butonul silent merge ok, voi vedea dupa ce voi face JB cu ipsw 4.3.3

  2. De cand am pus 4.3.2 cu pastrare de baseband 03.10.01 si gesturile activate pe i4 a aparut si la mine aceasta problema, adica asa cred, cand dau silent uneori vibreaza alteori nu si invers, o sa incerc un restore fara custom si fara gesturi care eu le vad fara folos la i4 deoarece are display prea mic pentr 4-5 degete:)