Apple ranked 4th in the top companies with the highest income according to Barrons

Barrons recently published the top 500 American companies that recorded the highest revenues and money earned from the investments made. Apple was ranked 4th in this top, climbing no less than 55 positions compared to the place occupied last year. The main reason for this increase was the income recorded from the sales of iDevices and Macs. In 2010 and 2011, Apple recorded much better revenues than in the same period last year, and this led to the ranking of the company on the top of the list of the most profitable companies in the USA.

Apple, ranked No. 4 this year, has done all that to perfection. It has generated stellar sales growth and handsome profits from the iPod, iPhone and related products, and its shares have rallied 321%, to 347, since the stock market bottomed in March 2009. Yet the stock, which trades for only 12.2 times next year's expected earnings, still isn't richly valued. Other tech stocks, including Western Digital, Research In Motion, Broadcom and EMC, also rank among this year's top 20.

It is very likely that next year or in 2 years Apple will even reach the 1st place, but everything depends on the iDevices it will launch because these are the company's main sources of income at the moment.