Samsung announces the first screens with 2500×1600 resolution, will we have Retina Display on iPad 3?

Samsung has announced officially this evening that next week's SID Display Week 2011 International Symposium will present the first screens for tablets that will have resolutions of 2500×1600. These new 10.1 inch screens will have 300 dpi and will be produced through a Samsung patented technology called Pentile that reduces energy consumption by up to 40%. The new screens are perfectly in line with Apple's Retina Display standards and it is possible that all the rumors regarding the implementation of this technology in the iPad 3 will come true next year.

The prototype demonstration marks the first time this resolution has been available for the tablet market in the popular 10.1-inch format, rivaling the highest resolution smartphone displays now on the market. Samsung expects to have commercial availability of this technology for tablet applications later this year.

Although everyone would like to see Retina Display in the iPad 3, there are still certain impediments regarding the adoption of this new technology for tablets. First of all, we are talking about 10.1-inch screens and not 9.7 inches as the iPad has, but the resolution must also be taken into account, which is higher than the one required for the Retina Display on the iPad 3, i.e. 2048×1536. I, for one, am of the opinion that if Samsung can produce larger screens at higher resolutions than those required for Apple, then it can certainly produce something smaller. There are chances that Retina Display will come in iPad 3, now it remains to be seen if Apple will decide that it is necessary.