iOS 5 will have a new notification system plus a widget system


Those from TechCrunch published an article a few tens of minutes ago explaining how the "hostilities" will unfold at WWDC 2011. First of all, they explain the fact that Apple will not present any new iPhone models at WWDC 2011, canceling all the rumors presented until now. Secondly, it seems that in the beta versions of iOS 5 tested now, the new system is not implemented recognition of voice commands which they promoted so much. Thirdly, it seems that at WWDC Apple will revolutionize both iOS and Mac OS X Lion. I knew about Mac OS X Lion, but about iOS I just assumed that it would be completely redone.

The second bit of information we have heard is about iOS5 itself. First of all, while we've been leading the reports of Nuance technology being fully baked into iOS 5, one place we've heard it won't be used (at least not yet) is Voice Control. That's odd since it's perhaps the most obvious usage. But apparently, in the builds of iOS 5 currently being tested, the little-used feature hasn't changed at all, we hear.

That could obviously change before the release (which is still likely months away, even though it will be previewed at WWDC), but apparently the Nuance technology is meant for bigger things more core to the OS than that one feature.

The other big news for iOS5 — and yes, I've completely buried the lede here, thanks for reading! — two things: completely revamped notifications and widgets.

According to those from TechCrunch, Apple will restore the iOS system and implement a new system of Notifications but also a system of widgets. They do not explain anything at all about these 2 systems, but they claim that they will be part of iOS 5 and we will learn more at WWDC when Apple will present them. The notification system was one of the weak points of iOS and it seems that Apple will completely redo it to appease both developers and users. Those from TechCrunch claim that there will be many changes for developers as well, and the release of iOS 5 will only take place a few months after the WWDC preview.

I don't know how accurate the information from TechCrunch is, but WWDC became even more interesting thanks to them.