Watch the WWDC 2011 conference together with the members of the community!

A few days separate us from the opening conference of WWDC 2011 where Steve Jobs together with certain members of Apple's management team will present Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5, iCloud and maybe "one more thing", an iPhone 5. The conference is scheduled for Monday, June 06, 2011 at 20:00 p.m., but I'm waiting for you starting at 19:30 p.m. here on to discuss everything presented during the conference, as we did last year. In 2010, Apple broadcast live the opening keynote of WWDC 2010 and those with Macs could see everything, those with Windows went to (at that time) and could watch a live feed of the conference .

This year I hope we will have a LIVE feed from Apple or at least a LIVE stream from the event made by another person. If there will be a live broadcast from the Apple conference, be sure that you will be able to watch it here on Until then, mark your calendars as WWDC 20 starts on Monday at 00:2011 and I'll be waiting for you on starting at 19:30 to discuss everything that is presented! Don't forget to let your friends know and I'll let you know when the conference starts via the new applications.