iOS 5 will bring you the possibility to watch movies in 1080p format

It looks like iOS 5 will represent a new leap in the right direction for those from Apple considering the multitude of new functions that will only be implemented in iOS now but that have existed on other platforms for some time. The ability to watch movies in 1080p format is among the new features of iOS 5 and it seems that some users have already managed to transfer movies in this format to their own iPad 2 tablet and watch it. Those who tested the function say that the movies run smoothly without any kind of lag or interruptions, but of course to transfer the movie to the iPad 2 via iTunes we have to convert it to the .mp4 format accepted by Apple.

If you have tried to watch unconverted 2p movies on iPad 1080 using video players from the App Store, then you probably noticed that the movies don't run that great, but they run much more fluently than on the iPad, for example. Apple will take advantage of the new processing power of the A5 chip to finally bring us the possibility to watch movies in 1080p format and if the A5 will be implemented in the iPhone 5 then this function could also reach the iPhone although it will not matter much a lot.


  1. Formatul mp4 nu iti limiteaza rezolutia, se poate converti f usor din mkv in mp4 la rezolutie 1080×1920 si e trist ca iOS5 nu decodeaza nativ formatul mkv cand sunt deja aplicatii care fac asta.