Video: Onlive launches the first application for iPad that allows us to play games on the web


Onlive is a company launched a few years ago that allows PC/console owners to play online games directly in their own browser on a TV screen through the company's servers and using a special device that must always be connected to the Internet. Company a announced yesterday at E3 a special application for tablets that allows users to access the company's servers directly from their own tablet and play almost any game using their own tablet's touchscreen or a gamepad. Even if we are talking about games that run directly from a company's servers, you can also see in the clip above that from a graphical point of view at least we are talking about well-made games that run as fluently as possible even on the iPad.

The power of the cloud is definitely the theme this week, displacing what had been assumed to be platforms that could never be displaced. The OnLive Player App for iPad and Android shows how with the power of the cloud, the question is not whether cloud gaming will be able to catch up to consoles, it will be whether consoles will be able to catch up to cloud gaming.

The new technology of those from Onlive will be available this year and will be the first launched on the market, following that in 2011 other companies will launch similar applications for their own products. Think that wherever you are you will have access to a multitude of great games directly from your tablet and all through a simple application that needs a stable internet connection. Onlive attracted millions of users and the popularity of the platform motivated its developers to focus on a new target, that of iDevice owners. Everything sounds interesting in theory, but I can't wait to see a test after the release of the final product.