How to activate iOS 5 without UDID and use the telephony function

We all know that iOS 5 requires the registration of the UDID of our terminal in the account of an iOS application developer. Initially, a method was discovered that bypassed this limitation, but unfortunately that method also implied the impossibility of using the telephone function because the device was not practically activated. Now there is another method that involves accessing the system files of our device and modifying a file that will then allow the activation of the terminal and the use of iOS 5. This method only works for those who have the card for activating the terminal or have factory unlocked terminals. Those who depend on hacktivation aka jailbreak activation cannot follow this tutorial.

I haven't tested the tutorial, I can't tell you 100% sure that it works, but the method was also used in the old beta versions of iOS. Follow the steps at your own risk. Those who have tested the tutorial say that the method works.

1. Install iOS 5 on your terminal.

2. After installation follow this tutorial(or this one for Mac) to jailbreak your terminal.

3. Boot tethered and using iFunbox or iPhone Explorer access the system files of your device and navigate to: /System/Library/CoreServices where you will copy the file from SystemVersion.plist in your computer. I recommend that you save it in 2 different locations.

4. Open that file with a text editor and delete the entry:


5. Now you have to reboot the terminal, but I recommend you to put it directly in DFU Mode and boot tethered with redsn0w.

6. When the terminal restarts, you will activate directly from the terminal without iTunes.

If you followed the steps correctly, you should have a terminal activated on iOS 5 and be able to use the phone function as well.

Thanks to Alex.