Apple is changing the way system alerts are displayed in iOS 5

iOS 5 brings a lot of changes in terms of how the operating system works and looks, but here is a change that has not been talked about until now. It seems that in the lockscreen we will now see the system alerts in the mode shown above, that is, a simple text in which the alert is displayed but in which there is also a link to the Settings application. Of course, each message is specially built for each iOS alert, so not all of them will have a link to the Settings application, but the rest of the notifications regarding lack of space or overheating of the terminal will be displayed in a similar way.

It was normal for Apple to change the way these alerts are displayed, since until now they were displayed on the entire screen or only through a notification message. I like more the new method implemented by Apple because it is much simpler and offers access to a method to solve the problem.