You buy an iPad tablet, you get tiles in return

The other day I presented you an article about how I am fool the people of Bucharest who undertakes to buy iPhone terminals from the Capital belt. Now I have for you a news from the USA in which we are presented with the methods by which users are tricked purchase iPhone terminals and iPad tablets from the Craigslist website. An American couple was selling a wide range of Apple products at ridiculous prices on Craigslist, but in reality these products turned out to be iPhone 4 clones or simply empty boxes with fake Apple logos and pieces of tile in them to it gives the impression that there really is a product inside.

This method worked for a good few months until the day when a deceived customer immobilized the one who wanted to sell him a fake iPhone and with the help of the police managed to recover his money. Several so-called Apple products were found in the criminal's car, which were to be sold to other gullible people. Be very careful what and how you buy, you know that methods like this are also practiced here, so you are very worried about what "bargains" you give.