Video: The new notification system in iOS 5 beta 2


In the morning I told you that Apple modified the way notifications are displayed in LockScreen in iOS beta 5 2 and I made the video clip above to show you how the notifications now appear. Notice that Apple has brought back the format from iOS 4 in the LockScreen from iOS 5 and any new notification appears in a large border. If the screen closes after receiving the notification, then the unread notification remains saved, but successive notifications are also displayed in a large frame. If the screen closes and we reopen it using the Lock button, we will see the notifications in small borders as they appeared in iOS 5 beta 1.

The interesting part of the new system is that above the large border of a single notification we have a button that gives us the opportunity to open a small Notifications Center directly in the LockScreen. Notice that when I pulled the button down, all the notifications received until then were displayed, and I for one think that this change is extremely welcome. That's all, I hope that Apple abandons this system and returns to the one from iOS 5 beta 1.