How the iPad 2 changed the life of a 9-year-old girl

The Herald Sun newspaper published an article yesterday in which PRESENTS the story of a 9-year-old girl whose life was changed thanks to an iPad 2 tablet. The girl was diagnosed with albinism, a disease that affects both her skin and her vision, a disease that prevents her from doing many things, including reading. Until she was given an iPad 2 tablet, she received reading materials from her parents and teachers that had the writing enlarged so that she could recognize the letters properly. The iPad 2 tablet changed this considering that writing can be enlarged as much as needed and the young woman's mother says that the tablet helped her little girl a lot in terms of school work and not only that.

In order to thank Steve Jobs for the way iPad 2 improved the girl's life, Fiona (the girl's mother) sent him an email in which she explained the whole story behind iPad tablets. Apparently Steve Jobs read that email and replied to the woman asking her for a picture of her little girl but at the same time asking her permission to read the letter in front of the members of the management team of the Apple company. Of course, we will also hear Steve Jobs mentioning the magic of the iPad 2 in official conferences, but the story is interesting.

Within hours of directly emailing multi-billionaire chief executive Steve Jobs, she was thrilled to receive a response.

"Thanks for sharing your experience with me. Do you mind if I read your email to a group of our top 100 leaders at Apple?" he wrote.

Mr Jobs signed off with "Thanks, Steve", and asked for a high-resolution photo of Holly with her iPad.

Looking at things objectively, it could have been any other tablet instead of the iPad 2 and the little girl would have done just as well and her life would have been changed in the same way. If it was a tablet other than the iPad 2, we probably wouldn't even have heard of the story, but it's good to learn good things about how a tablet changes a person's life.