Jailbreakme.com used 500.000 times

A few minutes ago comex announced that the jailbreak solution on jailbreakme.com was used more than 500.000 times and no less than 1 million people accessed the site today. The large number of interested people is normal considering that there are many owners of iPad 2 tablets who have been waiting for 3 months for the release of this jailbreak solution, but of course many iPhone/iPod Touch owners have also used it. Not even 12 hours have passed and the number of people who have used jailbreakme.com is more than impressive.

As a side effect of the release of this jailbreak solution, Cydia works very hard and some adjacent sites have problems displaying information for users. A lot of people are satisfied with the jailbreak solution, probably even more will be in the coming days and now we look with confidence towards iOS 5.