OmniStat Widget – a SBSettings for Notification Center

OmniStat Widget is a new widget released especially for the Notification Center in iOS 5. I'm sure that by now many of you have tested SBSettings, one of the most useful tweaks available for iDevices. OmniStat Widget wants to bring a good part of the SBSettings functionality directly to the Notification Center of iOS 5. By installing this widget, we will have access to information about our phone, about the iOS version installed, about the available/used space, about the IP in the Notification Center our or about the MAC address, about the RAM memory used, about the applications open in the background or about the processes running in iOS.

OmniStat Wdiget is a multifunctional widget that displays information directly in the Notification Center with the help of side swipes. We swipe to see new information, we swipe again to return to the old ones. Practically, this tweak makes it easier to see information about our terminal and probably many will install it since it will be much improved by the time the final version is released. OmniStat Widget is currently available in beta version in the repo: