Video: Ryan Petrich makes a new version of Swype for iOS, Swype CEO reacts


I got you yesterday submitted the first tweak that emulates Swype functionality on iOS. That tweak was launched by an American developer who is not affiliated with the Swype company and who did everything on his own initiative. Unfortunately, that tweak doesn't work that great, but Ryan Petrich is working on an alternative that seems to bring a good part of Swype's functionality. You can notice that Ryan Petrich's tweak displays that stripe when we switch from one key to another, but we also notice that the long press of one of them does not bring the letter selection options to the fore. The formula proposed by Ryan Petrich seems to be better, but it is currently in beta version and unavailable for download.

The CEO of Swype saw the tweak released yesterday and stands up that although that tweak is used by the Swype brand, the person who developed it is not affiliated with the company. He claims that Swype will reach iOS only if Apple will publicly offer the APIs for the keyboard, but until then the company will not release any Swype application in the App Store. A Swype application for iOS exists, but it is not public because the swype system only works inside that application.

I don't know but it appears he wrote some of his own code to emulate a Swype-like experience and is using our brand," he said. "I don't know if this is a 'hacked' version of Swype or not... I'm thinking not. The interest shown in Swype for iOS is great to see," said McSherry. "We've been preloaded on over 50 million Android devices in the last 18 months. We believe it will continue to grow in relevance for all platforms.