MessageTo and BookmarksEnhancer – 2 new tweaks available in Cydia

MessageTo is a new Tweek Week tweak released today by Italian developer Andrea Oliva. This tweak allows us to easily access the menus from which we can send new messages or emails using the Messages and Mail applications. A double tap on one of the Messages or Mail applications will automatically open the menu from which we can send a new message/email, thus facilitating the process of accessing the respective functions. The tweak is available for free in Cydia in the repo:

BookmarksEnhancer is a new tweak for the iPad tablet that adds new options to the bookmark bar in Safari. Using this new tweak we add 2 new options for the bookmarks bar, more precisely we add the option to open a bookmark in a new page but also the option to copy the link of the respective bookmark. None of these functions are available separately in iOS, so if you needed something like that now you know it exists. The tweak is available for free in Cydia.