Contest: Win two $15 iTunes Gift Cards offered by!

Several months have passed since the last contest organized by me for an iTunes Gift card, so today I offer you the opportunity to win 2 such cards for $15 each. The cards can be used both for the purchase of songs and for the purchase of applications, but only from the US App Store, but you can create a free account for the US App Store in 5 minutes and you have $15 to spend as you wish. To participate in this contest you must comply strictly the following indications:

  • to follow me on Twitter or Facebook, that is, add me as a friend on FaceBook and follow my account on Twitter;
  • retweet on Twitter or share on Facebook (NOT Like) this article on your account using the buttons below and leave a comment with the text I participate.

If you don't follow the rules, you will be disqualified if you win, so you will lose the prize. Please use the Facebook/Twitter authentication tools before commenting to make it easier for me to check your account in case you won. Do not force the grade, if you do not know how to work with Facebook or Twitter, do not enter the contest because I will disqualify you! I wish you good luck! The contest will end on Friday at 12:00 when I will choose the 2 winners. This contest is organized by without the help of any sponsor!