iOS 5 beta 4 – the best version of iOS 5

      I had installed in iPhone 4 all beta versions of iOS 5 released so far by Apple and I can say that iOS beta 5 4 it is currently the fastest and best of all. Apple tried to fix in each new version the problems of the old one and in beta 4 it seems to have found the perfect formula for iPhone 4 and I for one am very satisfied. There is no longer such a big lag when switching between menus, applications open a bit easier, installing applications is done faster and overall performance is improved, at least from my point of view.

     From the tests carried out so far, I also discovered that Safari works better, without the problems that I am explaining to you here but only in a few days I will be able to say for sure if everything works 100% correctly. I had the inspiration to install iOS 5 beta 4 without restoring a backup and maybe that's why everything moves better than in beta 2 or beta 3. After 12 hours of iOS 5 beta 4 I can say that Apple is on the right track and I hope that the final version goes at least as well. The only regret is that iTunes 10.5 beta 4 for Windows is not yet available and I cannot "play" with Wi-Fi Sync.