Video: What a fake Apple store looks like in China and the first investigations by the Chinese government


     Last week I told you that they appeared in China the first clones of Apple stores. When I say the first, I mean that these stores are built almost identically to a real Apple store, but in reality they have nothing to do with Apple stores. The products in them are probably bought from Apple but are sold by a third-party merchant who probably has no affiliation with Apple. After the publication of the first images of those stores, various articles related to those stores and the Chinese authorities appeared in the international press, probably due to pressure from Apple, They've decided to check the respective commercial spaces. The authorities will check if: those stores have a license to operate, have a license to sell those products, have a license to use products patented by Apple, etc.

Chinese industrial and commercial authorities in Kunming have started to inspect all of the southwestern city's electronics shops after an American blogger wrote about fake Apple stores, the official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday. The inspections will look into business licenses, authorized permits on brand use, and the purchase channel of each store, said a worker with the city's industrial and commercial department.

      Even without publishing results, the stores those were affected by the negative publicity and the number of customers who cross their threshold dropped significantly. Moreover, some employees would be willing to declare to the authorities that the respective stores are indeed fake, but there is a long way from saying to doing. In the end, it seems that those stores could be abolished, but everything depends on the results of the investigations made by the Chinese authorities, but fake Apple stores exist all over the world and they will not be closed any time soon.
