iFaith 1.2.1 available, still saves SHSH for any version of iOS, brings some news

     Last evening iH8sn0w released version 1.2.1 of the iFaith program. For those of you who don't know, iFaith is the only program that allows iDevice owners to save SHSH for the version of iOS they have in their terminal, no matter what it is. Unfortunately, the program also does not work with the iPad 2 tablet because there is no bootrom exploit released for it yet. The program also allows us to make a custom ipsw for any version of iOS for which we have SHSH saved with iFaith and we can easily restore it.

Here's what's new in iFaith 1.2.1:

  • Added iPod Touch 2G Dumping capability (MC-Model users recommended)
  • IPSW Creation for iPod Touch 2G is still a work in progress.
  • Fixed exe compression issues (resulting in many DFU loops on IPSW creation).
  • Fixed any Windows XP issues.

     Information about iFaith si the process of saving a SHSH find here. iFaith only works on Windows and can be downloaded from here.