Vodafone and a small traffic redirection from Cydia for the internet card

     Having a Vodafone internet card for iPad 2, I decided to install some things from Cydia, but unfortunately I only managed to refresh the sources and when I installed something I found that Vodafone redirects all my traffic to its own website. The card we had had a validity period of 10 days, which I exceeded and Vodafone is now redirecting absolutely all my traffic to the website where I have to register that card. With Orange, I've never experienced something like this and I don't think it's quite right to redirect traffic even from Cydia to the Vodafone website.

      I wrote a few months ago about some UK operators who started redirecting traffic to their own website when Cydia was accessed, to me the traffic is redirected from any browser, so thank you Vodafone. Having said that, how can I find out the phone/identification number of the card with which I can register on the Vodafone website?