EasyFindOnpage simplifies the process of searching for words in web pages in Safari

     Only starting with iOS 4.2.1 we finally have a system implemented in iOS that allows us to search in the pages opened in Safari for certain keywords. The system is not perfect, it is not easy to find/use on an iPhone/iPod Touch, so a developer thought to improve it and thus EasyFindOnPage was launched. This new tweak adds a special button to Safari that, as soon as it is pressed, opens a box where we can enter the word we want to search for on the page. After we enter the word, we press the Ok button and from here the word search system already available in iOS takes over and helps us move to the next/previous words.

      EasyFindOnpage works both on iPhone and iPad, but on iPad it performs a real-time search for words, but the transition from one word to another is done using the same word highlighting system already available in iOS. EasyFindOnPage is available in Cydia in the BigBoss repo for $0.99.

With iOS 4.2.1 Apple introduced the possibility to search the current web page in Safari. But this "find on page" option is quite uncomfortable: You have to tap the top right search bar and enter a search string. Besides starting a search on Google (which you might not even want) you'll get an "On This Page ..." entry at the end of the list. You might even have to scroll down until you can see it. Tapping this entry will show a panel allowing you to navigate through the matches found.

This tweak greatly improves your browsing experience. A new button with a magnifying glass will be added to Safari's toolbar. The usage, however, depends on the device type.

Tapping the toolbar button will immediately show the find on page panel with a keyboard so you can directly type in your search string. Additionally, tapping the 'Search' button on the keyboard will jump between the matches found. If you tap the toolbar button again the find on page panel will disappear.

iPhone/iPod Touch:
Tapping the toolbar button will present an input dialog where you put your search string. Tapping OK in the dialog or the 'Search' button on the keyboard will bring up the find on page panel. If you want to search again, just tap on the centered text label to bring up the input dialog. Tapping "Done" will hide the panel.

No symbol will be added to your home screen and there are no options to configure. This tweak directly integrates with MobileSafari.