Apple could hold the presentation conference of iOS 5 and iPhone 5 on September 7

     If until now we have learned absolutely nothing about the possible date when Apple will hold the presentation conference of iOS 5 and iPhone 5, here it is today a website from Japan brings to our attention the date of September 8. September 8 is a Thursday, unusual for such a conference considering that in past years these conferences were held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Japanese site claims that the information obtained by them is true and comes from a source close to the Apple company, but we must also take into account the fact that we are talking about a country "a world" away from the USA.

      I think that this conference could be held between September 5-7, that is, the first 3 days of the first full week of September. Normally, Apple announces the date of the conference about 2 weeks before it actually takes place, so next week it is very possible to see the first invitations sent by Apple to journalists from the USA. During this conference, Apple will present iOS 5, the new iPhone 5 plus a possible iPod Touch 5G.

UPDATED: It seems that macrumours misinterpreted the date, it is September 7 and not September 8. September 7 is a Wednesday, so it is possible that this conference will take place then.