Apple loses to Android, but only on paper

Apple Think Different

      Apple is a company that preferred not to make its operating systems open-source and to offer them to computer or mobile phone manufacturers, and iDevices and Macs have become the products of "connoisseurs" made based on the same concept year after year . It was inevitable that Android would overtake iOS considering that almost every mobile phone/tablet made in Asia (and not only) has Android OS installed directly from the factory. The number of manufacturers that use Android OS ensures a constant and strong growth for the operating system, but in terms of the profit generated by sales, things are completely different.

      Apple has a market share (on the smartphone market) larger than any other manufacturer of Android terminals, but iOS has long been left behind Android in terms of use in mobile terminals. The interesting part comes when we look at the profit because Apple makes more money than a handful of Android terminal manufacturers combined. Apple collects two thirds of the profit of the entire mobile phone manufacturing industry and we are talking about a company that alone produces and markets only two models of mobile phones that sell only 20 million copies but generates a huge profit.

       What matters most to all producers? Money, of course, and the fact that Android has a market share 2.5 times higher than iOS (on the smartphone market) matters less considering that Apple operates with money and in this respect Android is far below iOS. For ordinary users, it is more profitable to purchase an Android terminal which in many cases is cheaper, has much worse support and in a few months it will become old and will be replaced by another one by the manufacturer. Android terminal manufacturers have to "release" new models in order to remain competitive and profitable, but Apple relies on loyal customers who buy the products regardless of whether the addition is more significant than the production price.

       In conclusion, Android OS is a platform of the dozen, available in almost any product, but where it matters most, iOS leads the way, for now.