Apple implements the possibility to share links from the Apple Store on Twitter and Facebook

     Today Apple temporarily closed its online store for to implement some new functions and of course some have already started thinking about the iPhone 5 or a mobile version of the online store, but in reality it all boils down to the introduction of buttons for sharing links from the Apple Online Store. Starting today, the category for Mac Pros has a new set of buttons that allow users to share on the most famous social networks links to the models they consider worthy of sharing with their friends.

     The new options implemented by Apple have not yet found their place in the other sections of the online store, but stay calm because it won't take too long until this happens. For Apple, the introduction of these sharing buttons on social networks is really something new considering that only the App Stores had something like this. What does Apple hope to achieve with these new buttons? More sales of course plus a much better sharing of his products on social networks.