Apple changes the application installation process in iOS 5 beta 6

     iOS beta 5 6 launched last night brings a very important novelty that is related to the installation of applications from the App Store. You know that normally when installing a new application, the App Store application is closed after pressing the Install button and we are redirected to the location of the new application in Springboard. In iOS 5 beta 6, Apple changed things so that the installation of applications is now done in the background without us leaving the App Store application. Basically, we press the install/update button of an application, enter the password, press ok and the application is updated/installed in the background and we remain in the App Store application from where we can update/install something else.

      Now that I have explained the theory, let's move on to practice. Some users I claim that this modification also appears in iOS 4.3.3, others claim that they did not encounter it in iOS 5 beta 6, so it is possible that we have a modification that is directly related to iTunes and not to the new version of iOS 5. The process itself appeared only after the release of iOS 5 beta 6, the first ones who managed to install applications without the App Store being closed had iOS 5 beta 6, so it is possible that the system implemented by Apple in the iTunes servers has a direct connection with iOS 5 beta 6.

      Did you manage to install any application from the App Store without the online store application closing?


  1. I'll try as I have iTunes on Mac anyway and maybe it's from this version or it's a bug... I don't know but now I'm doing a small sync and I'll update 😀

  2. I managed to do this yesterday during some updates on beta 5. I kept pressing the update button and I didn't know why it didn't jump in the background :)) when I pressed home I saw that it was actually downloading in the background. I really didn't know what the phase was, now I know, thanks Zao.

  3. If it would also solve the refresh of the list of applications in the AppStore every time we access an application and come back, it would be great. It's really annoying. Scroll more 25 10 times, you enter to see the details of an application, then it returns you to the first one from the top. Or arrange them in chronological order. It's chaos in the AppStore on the iPhone.

  4. I also experienced it twice yesterday. I have 4.3.5, I didn't know why the AppStore doesn't disappear and the game installation starts. After pressing Home, I noticed that it was already installed in the background.

  5. That's right, itunes 10.5 beta 6 and ios 5 beta 6 on both ipad and iphone now the installation of any application is done in the background.
    It's perfect that way, especially when you want to install a no. large number of applications directly from the App Store.

  6. Yes Adi now anything that can be found on android and they have bagato on ios ready they have copied from android :-j you are the pinnacle. Do you even have an iPhone? Are you part of this community? Or did you just come here out of boredom? This with install-u, I think like a 10-year-old child who didn't know android and tried to install an app from the appstore and wanted to install another one at the same time but couldn't because it automatically puts it from the first application into springboard :-j clearly and in his mind there was something like: how good it would have been to install apps in the background. Indeed, one thing I can recognize, the notification bar was copied from Android...and what?? Because the galaxy shit copied from the iPhone with difficulty:-j ... I hope you understand what I wanted to say.

  7. @Dezeu yes it is but why do you jump quickly when android copies from iOS ????...the other way around does it bother you....what I don't understand is how they didn't do this from the beginning, it was something normal right?