Apple could use OLED screens in its devices in the future

     This summer I wrote several times that Apple could launch a TV or iDevices with OLED screens. Many manufacturers of Android terminals use such devices, but Apple does not do the same because of the high yield rate for such screens. Although it was rumored that Apple could build TVs with OLED screens, a South Korean publication announce that for now the company from Cupertino will not adopt this technology because of the high costs and the imperfect technology in the case of large screens.

It's true that Apple has keen interest in TV, allowing users to stream music, videos and TV shows via iTunes, although that needs some iPhone and iPad integration, however, Apple is still pessimistic about using OLED displays. Because Apple is worried about higher costs and technology-related issues linking to large-sized OLED displays, it is groundless that Apple has asked LG Display to supply its OLED screens for its upcoming televisions.

       Practically, today we find out what we already knew, Apple is sticking to the technologies it currently uses because they are cheaper, they are safe and the company from Cupertino already has signed contracts for several years and gets components at very good prices. A change to OLED screens could happen maybe in 3, 4 years when the technology will be perfected and the yield rate could become better. From my point of view, Apple will never implement OLED screens unless it invests in a factory where such screens are built and perfects the production process.


  1. eu cred ca, va fi pe viitor app o sa achizitioneze cateva firme ca, nu le convine sa achizitioneze ecrane mai scumpe ca, nu le ies lor socotelile app vrea piese ieftine si vinde scump pe premiza asta sau adunat bani si bv lor ca, stiu sa negocieze

  2. Apple nu o sa achizitioneze niciodata firme de productie hardware pt ca investitia este enorma si profitul mic. Sunt rebuturi multe cu toata tehnologia avansata .
    Din pozitia de cumparator pot negocia pretul si chiar forta preturi mici prin comenzi masive.
    Pozitia lor financiara s-ar clatina serios, daca de exemplu ar investi cateva zeci de miliarde intr-o fabrica de procesoare si ar avea un mic rateu cu unul din modele.
    Jobs stie toate astea, si de aceea prefera “easy money”.
    Deci cel mult vreo colaborare cu vreunul din producatorii consacrati. Daca aia dau gres, Apple pierde niste bani si atat. Nu pierde renume, ca nu el este producatorul.