comex employed by Apple

     comex, one of the most popular developers of jailbreak solutions, has been hired by Apple and will start a trial period next week at the company from Cupertino. The announcement comes just one day after the resignation of Steve Jobs from the position of CEO of Apple but the events have nothing to do with each other and this is not a change in Apple company policy. comex is not the first hacker hired by Apple because before the presentation of iOS 5, another developer of tweaks for iOS 4 found a "warm" job within the Cupertino company.

     Comex helped the Dev Team to develop many jailbreak solutions for iOS 4 and without him we wouldn't have had the opportunity to jailbreak the iPad 2 tablet. Comex's departure will be sorely felt because he was one of those who could find and turn a vulnerability into a jailbreak solution even when this task seemed impossible. Now we are left with Dev Team, Chronic Dev Team and an i0n1c bored by the community of iDevice users and the future of jailbreak solutions has become much more uncertain. geohot works at FaceBook, comex at Apple and new hackers dedicated to the jailbreaker community no longer appear.

     Congratulations to comex, but the jailbreak community has lost perhaps the safest source of jailbreak solutions.