Video: Siegecraft – a very exciting new game for iDevices


     Siegecraft is a new game developed by Crescent Moon Games and Blowfish Studios that promises to keep iDevice owners busy for several hours. The game is part of the tower defense category and brings a new vision of how such a title should look. Siegecraf offers us the possibility to use "war machines": catapults, battering rams plus many others, to destroy the NPCs sent against us. Each destroyed NPC generates money that can be used to upgrade our fighting machine, so basically we have a game style similar to that presented in tower defense games.

Siegecraft was looking pretty darn good in still shots, and today Crescent Moon has offered up the first trailer for the game, showcasing what it looks like in motion. Spoiler alert – it's looking pretty awesome so far. Siegecraft is boasting some impressive bullet points for "the back of its box", including 6 different campaigns over 27 unique levels, universal iPad support and specific enhancements for the iPad 2, and a same-device multiplayer mode exclusive to the iPad.

      Siegecraft will have 6 campaigns with 27 different levels, it will work on all iDevices but for iPad 2 some special elements will be included. The game will also have a multiplayer mode in which we will be able to "measure our strengths" either with our friends or online with other players. For now, a release date for the new game has not been announced, but when it will be available in the App Store, you will find out on