iPhone 4S code name N94 registered with US FCC

    N94 is the code name given to the iPhone 4S terminal that Apple would launch this fall and it seems that the terminal was already registered at the FCC in the USA. The FCC is the government agency with which all mobile phones sold on the American market must be registered and it seems that Apple has already registered, so the official launch cannot be far away. The iPhone 4S with the code name N94 is considered to be the cheap version of the iPhone terminal that will be released this fall, and I for one believe that this will actually be the iPhone 4 8GB terminal that will replace the current models available in the Apple Store. The rumors that have appeared so far about the iPhone 4S claim that the terminal would have hardware similar to that of the iPad tablet and an identical design to that of the iPhone 4, but we will find out more only this month or next month.

     The proof of registration was found in the system files of iOS 5 beta 7 in the form of an image called RegulatoryInfo-N94AP@2x~iphone.png which is displayed in the menu Settings > General > About > Regulatory, where Apple publishes all the certifications obtained for iPhone terminals. iPhone 4 GSM has the FCC code name BCG-E2380A, iPhone 4 CDMA has BCG-E2422A and iPhone 4S has BCG-E2430A so we are talking about a new device. Unfortunately, the FCC has not published the application for registration of the iPhone terminal, but will do so as soon as Apple officially presents the device.

     If the device already has an FCC registration number, it means that it will surely be launched on the market, now it remains to be seen when this will happen


  1. Am si eu o intrebare half-on topic.Merita asteptarea unui produs nou de la apple avand in vedere ca deja e septembrie si am oferte destul de bune pt un i4 ca sa-mi schimb 3gs-ul?sau sa mai astept?

  2. Zaone ma intreb si eu doar asa,ce ai spune daca nu ar exista nici un iphone 5 ci doar acest iphone 4s,greu imi vine mie sa cred ca apple va lansa 2 deviceuri odata….

  3. Pai mai astept sa vedem ce-o fi.Maxim mai am rabdare pana la 1 octombrie ca ma dispera bateria la 3gs deja tot mai putin ma tine,e batran si el deja…Sper sa se anunte ceva pana atunci macar sa stiu daca merita asteptarea pana apare in magazine device-ul nou de la apple.

  4. Eu cred ca vom avea totusi si un iphone 5. E greu de crezut ca Apple a amanat atat lansarea doar pt un iphone 4S(speed). S-ar face de râs dar cei cu ochelari de cal il vor achizitiona oricum. Eu cel putin astept iphone 5,sper sa nu pânā in vara lui 2012.

  5. mai oamnenilor nu va dati seama ca asta este un mod dea promova un produs deja la cat de controversata este aparitia iphone 5 toti asteptati sa il cumparati ,reaseul IPHONE 5 este in jurul craciunului pt a face vanzari record asa ca decizia va apartine de a astepta un terminal de 1000 euro sau a cumpara unu de 500 , se promoveaza bine produsul daca nul cunoaste nimeni pt ca avand astfel de vesti cum este aceasta de pierdere a prototipului te face sa te intrebi cat de bun este de nu este prezentat oficial si tinzi sal ai, daca este release la iphone 4s ,,, 5 va venianul urmator in martie