Tutorial: How to enable PreferenceLoader on iOS 5 (Mac OS X)

    More and more tweaks have implemented the PreferenceLoader plugin that allows users to manage the settings of that tweak directly from the iOS Settings app. PreferenceLoader works without problems on iOS 4, but on iOS 5, unfortunately, no tweak is compatible with this plugin and its developer claims that until the final release of the new operating system, it will not solve the compatibility problems. For those who have Mac OS X there is a relatively simple solution for this problem and below you have detailed steps that will help you make PreferenceLoader compatible with iOS 5.

  1. Download Xcode free from the App Store and this patch for PreferenceLoader.
  2. Install Xcode then unzip the patch on your desktop and open the Terminal application from Mac OS X.
  3. In the Terminal application write the command cd locatia_folderului_FilippoBiga-iOS-Utilities-5c70846 2_settings_patcher_osx and press enter.
  4. After accessing the folder through the Terminal application, type make and press enter.
  5. In the folder where you unzipped the patch you will find a new file called settings_patcher.
  6. Now log into your terminal using iFunbox/iPhone Explorer/any other utility and copy the settings_patcher to the /usr/bin/ folder and then reset the device.
  7. After the reset in the Settings menu you should already see the settings menus for the compatible tweaks installed. If nothing appears then reinstall the tweaks.

    I haven't tested the tutorial because I don't have a Mac available, so you do it at your own risk.