Video: Microsoft abandons flash in Windows 8 for tablets



     These days Microsoft held several very important conferences in which submitted the new Windows 8 operating system and even launched a version for developers the other day. The new operating system will work on both computers and tablets, and in the version for tablets there is a small surprise for Adobe. Microsoft has decided to give up all the way to flash support in the tablet version of Internet Explorer 10 and will be based exclusively on HTML 5, the browser being specially made to display the user agent of the iPad tablet when browsing the Internet to force sites to display the HTML 5 version .

     The tablet version of Internet Explorer 10 will never have Adobe Flash support, so Microsoft is taking the approach of Apple and abandoning a plugin that created a lot of problems for mobile terminals. Practically, Adobe is now forced to rethink its existence because Apple managed to convince many web developers to switch to HTML 5 and a collaboration between Microsoft and Apple in this matter will surely "kill" Adobe's flash.

     For iDevice owners, the news is extremely good because more and more sites will drop support for the flash plugin in the future and we will no longer have to use applications like SkyFire or Puffin to see the entire content of a page web