Chronic Dev Team will release a userland jailbreak for iOS 5 and iPhone 5

    Now on the MyGreatFest stage, p0sixninja from the Chronic Dev Team is speaking, who announced that the new jailbreak solution for iOS 5 will be userland and will contain no less than 5 exploits that will be very difficult to find and fix. He claims that jailbreaking will become easier in the future because more and more vulnerabilities appear in iOS that can be exploited much more easily. The team would have presented today a jailbreak solution for the iPhone 5, but unfortunately the device is not available, so we will see a jailbreak solution for the new terminal as soon as it is released. Of course, the iPad 2 tablet will also benefit from this new jailbreak solution, but everything depends on the release of the iPhone 5 because the Chronic Dev Team will not risk publishing exploits before the device is actually available on the market.

    The new jailbreak solution will apparently be untethered, although p0sixninja did not expressly confirm this on stage. I will publish more information in this article as it appears.