MyGreatFest – the first jailbreak convention started today

    An hour ago, MyGreatFest started, a convention where the most famous developers of applications/tweaks for Cydia and also developers of some jailbreak solutions met to discuss their work. A good part of the Chronic Dev Team is present there, including p0sixninja, but of course saurik, the developer of the Cydia platform, could not be absent from the event. So far, only Aaron Ash, the developer of Multifl0w, has taken the stage, but in the following days, p0sixninja and other members of the Dev Team will discuss iOS 5, what jailbreak solutions they intend to launch, plus many others.

    So far absolutely nothing interesting has been presented but during this day we should find out how the Chronic Dev Team intends to develop the untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5. Of course I will keep you informed about all the important news presented at MyGreatFest through some articles successive so keep close.