Numbers Iconoclasm Layout allows placing application icons in the form of numbers in Springboard

     Numbers Iconoclasm Layout is a new tweak released last evening in Cydia that allows iDevice owners to arrange their Springboard icons in the form of numbers. The image above shows as well as possible the functionality of the new tweak and notice how easy it is to rearrange using the icons of your applications. The tweak is an extension of Iconoclasm and requires the installation of the latter to work and of course in Springboard we will only have 10 numbered pages of applications, assuming that you have enough icons available.

This requires that you have purchased Iconoclasm to apply the layout. A very hard worked on iconoclasm layout package that has the numbers 1 through 10! Which obviously means your icons will take the shape of the number selected. I didn't do 0 because its basically the same as a 4×4/ 5×5 frame or an "o".

   Numbers Iconoclasm Layout is available in Cydia as a free tweak in the BigBoss repo, but I remind you that you must have Iconoclasm installed for everything to work.