Exclusive: Evidence indicating that the iTunes Music Store will be launched in Romania

     This morning I was telling you that iTunes Music Store could be launched in 10 countries from the European Union, Romania being one of them. Today Apple updated the privacy policy of the iTunes App Store introducing some new rules in which it makes direct reference to the possible launch of a music service for its users in the near future. The company from Cupertino specifies that the new terms and conditions for the App Store regulate the availability of music, music videos, ringtones, etc., but these services are currently not available in Romania.

      If the information provided this morning by a Polish newspaper is true, then the new iTunes Music Store should be officially launched in October in Romania, and the new terms and conditions implemented today by Apple seem to indicate that this will happen.

UPDATED: According to the same terms and conditions we will also be able to rent movies from the iTunes Movie Store that will be available in Romania.

UPDATE 2: Here it is new interface of the iTunes Music Store for Romania presented exclusively by iDevice.ro.

Thanks to Lucian.