Video: Streambirds: Survival – a very interesting game for the iOS platform


    The developers of the Fruit Ninja game teamed up with a relatively unknown company to launch Steambirds: Survival, a very interesting turn-by-turn action game, in the App Store. Joculet brings a style of play identical to that of Crimson Pirates, that is, you will have one round to think about the trajectory your planes will fly and when you press the button to end the round, they will fly and destroy everything in their way. I like this kind of game and if you look at the trailer you will see how interesting Streabirds: Survival looks.

     For now, we have the trailer above and we know that the game will have 8 planes and 64 missions, but the developers claim that they will complete the content after the official launch of the game. The application should be available next month in the App Store, but for now the price for which it will be sold is not known. I have already put the game on the list of those I follow and will try it, and I recommend you to do the same.