Google+ Cydget brings Google Plus to your lockscreen

     Google+ Cydget is a plugin for the famous Cydget platform developed by saurik after the release of iOS 4. This platform allows users to display information in the lockscreen using simple plugins made by Cydia application developers. Google+ Cydget is such a plugin and with its help we can access the Google+ social network directly from the lockscreen of our terminal. Practically, the plugin opens a web page where the Google+ site is loaded and we can use the Google web application to manage our profile made on the famous social network.

A simple Cydget plugin for loading Google+ site on the lockscreen. i suggest installing Lockscreen Dim Delay Control to keep the lockscreen from shutting off while using this Cydget.

     To use Google+ Cydget you must have the Cydget platform installed on your terminal and it is available for free in Cydia. The plugin is also available for free in the BigBoss repo.